Title: After-Hours (1/1) Author: L. M. Shard E-Mail: lsshard@home.com Rating: strong R Category: S, R Spoilers: Season 8 Keywords: Doggett/Scully romance Disclaimer: All the wonderful characters from the X-Files used here belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and Fox. No copyright infringement intended. Archive: anywhere, but please let me know where. Dedication and Thanks: To Megan for cheering me on, giving me some good ideas, and having me up the intensity level. All naked Doggett scenes and descriptions are dedicated to her. Thanks also to Ginger for her input and insight. Feedback: Please! Summary: Having just completed a case, Scully and Doggett spend some downtime together. Things get intense. AFTER-HOURS By: L. M. Shard Agents Scully and Doggett were sitting in a rental car on a stakeout. The hour was late and they were both exhausted. Much had happened before they had found themselves here. Yesterday evening, just as they were about to call it a day, Deputy Director Kersh called the agents into his office. He informed them that they were booked on the red eye to Chicago with their final destination a tiny town on the outskirts. They needed to obtain a very important disk from one Jake McKenna. This surprise assignment threw Scully for a loop. Now that she had William, it was hard for her to just up and leave on a moment's notice. "With all due respect, Sir," she had said, "this is very little time for me to find a caretaker for my infant." She regretted saying the words the moment she heard them come out of her mouth. Kersh eyed her indifferently. "With all due respect, Agent Scully, that is your problem." He mimicked and emphasized the word "respect". "I can go alone, Sir," Doggett offered, understanding Scully's plight. "No, this is a team effort. You and Agent Scully will go together. Here are your tickets and information files," he handed them the paperwork in a dismissive gesture. The agents walked out of the office. Fortunately for Scully, her mother was home and able to watch William for the next couple days or so. He was only six months old and Scully hated leaving him. But that was her reality now. Although she had hoped for a somewhat normal family life with Mulder and William, that was just not in her future. Just before her maternity leave ended, Mulder had left her and his son on some new quest. He had told her that he did not know what the future held for them but he would check back every few weeks or so. But it was clear to Scully: the responsibility of a family, especially a baby, was not something Mulder was interested in. His quests drove him more than the love of any woman, even his soul mate. They were the fire that burned within him, not her. Though she could not completely blame him. She had asked him to be a sperm donor, not a husband and father. Those things were never even discussed, certainly not promised. She had left him a way out and he took it. Scully was disappointed, yes, but completely surprised, no. So as a single mother, Scully was forced to go back to work to put food on the table and pay the rent. She was just so grateful that she had her mother to watch William. Mrs. Scully reveled in the role of grandmother and did everything she could to support her daughter. Doggett and Scully had arrived early that morning and spent the day gathering information. The disk apparently contained dozens of bank account numbers associated with money laundering. Obtaining this disk would greatly help the FBI crack this case wide open. Scully and Doggett had every indication that the disk was going to be handed to another party tonight and they planned on intercepting it at that point. Just when tonight was the question, hence the stakeout. "More coffee?" Doggett asked reaching toward an extra cup in the back seat. It was still faintly steaming. "No thanks," she said. "It's not doing its job anyway. I'm beat." "Well, let's hope we can wrap this thing up tonight and head back home in the morning," Doggett said, a bit tired himself. "I'm all for that," she said, stifling a yawn. "Why don't you catch a few minutes of shut-eye? I'll keep a look out for our man," Doggett suggested. Scully was hesitant, but the offer was just too inviting. "Alright, but just a few minutes." She settled back into the seat and closed her eyes. "Thanks," she mumbled already drifting off. Doggett gazed at his sleeping partner beside him. He knew that this was the last place she wanted to be, and the last place she'd have to be, had he been in Mulder's shoes. He just couldn't understand how a man could choose chasing the unknown, or finding the truth, as Mulder would say, over being with Scully and his baby. Doggett was a highly traditional man and had that baby been his, he would have married Scully before it was ever born. Family meant everything to him and now that he had lost his, he believed that even more. There was not a day that went by that he did not think of his late son and wife. Doggett had tried to fill some of the void that Mulder had left. But Scully was a strong and independent woman who did not accept help easily. He greatly respected her strength, yet he knew she needed some help and he was more than eager to offer it. He had stopped by her apartment several times since Mulder's departure, bringing some take-out or just playing with William for a while. With each visit Scully relaxed and permitted him to give a little more. Just last week she had allowed him to cook a meal for her and, on another occasion, let him take William to the park while she got some much- needed rest. He was happy helping her, hell; he was thrilled for any excuse just to be with her. Doggett was falling hard for this woman, he just didn't know if she felt anything for him. Usually he was the type of man that let a woman know when he had feelings for her. He did not like playing games. But Scully already had too much on her plate for him to add to it. So he said nothing. He would just have to be satisfied being her friend, at least for the time being. Suddenly a man that looked like their target walked through Doggett's field of vision. Quickly Doggett put his hand on Scully's shoulder awakening her. "We're on," he said and opened the car door. Scully shook the cloud of sleep from her head and joined Doggett outside. They stealthily made their way to where their target was. Eyeing him from around the cover of a corner they confirmed that it was indeed McKenna. The man looked nervous and did his best at pretending to enjoy the moonlit scenery around him. Inadvertently, he felt his coat pocket several times. Scully and Doggett looked at each other and nodded: he had the disk on him. Suddenly the sound of hurried footsteps echoed in Doggett's ears. Out of the corner of his eye, Doggett saw a man quickly approaching them. Not wanting to look suspicious, Doggett did the only thing he could think of on such short notice. "Kiss me," he whispered, and before his words could even register in Scully's brain his lips were on hers and his arms had wrapped themselves around her waist, pulling her against his firm body. Scully was surprised at the electrifying sensation that ripped through her core. The kiss was completely unexpected but its impression was great. Doggett felt the same electric shock at the touch of their lips and forced himself not to take advantage of the moment and deepen the kiss. The man passed them, barely giving them any notice. Doggett released Scully and they peeked around the corner again, but not before they took a moment to look into each other's eyes. Doggett saw surprise in Scully's blue orbs and something else; something he unfortunately did not have time to think about at the moment. The man that had just passed them was now talking with McKenna. "Let's keep up the pretense so we can go closer without causing suspicion," he said and took her hand in his. They walked hand in hand towards the men, looking like a pair of lovers on an evening stroll. Stopping a few yards away from the men, they listened and watched out of the corners of their eyes. "You have what I asked for?" McKenna questioned. "Yes, right here," the man said patting a black briefcase. "Do you have the disk?" "Yes," McKenna said. That was the cue and Scully and Doggett both drew their weapons and pointed them straight at the men. "Federal agents. Put your hands in the air," Doggett barked. Completely surprised, McKenna put his hands in the air and froze, but the other man turned and ran. Doggett ran after him while Scully searched and cuffed McKenna to a nearby bench. She pocketed the disk and ran after Doggett and the other suspect who had just rounded a corner. Suddenly shots rang through the night air. Scully's heart skipped a beat as the fear of Doggett being hit ripped through her being. She prayed he was not hurt. Finally she caught up with them and breathed an audible sigh of relief as she saw Doggett was already cuffing the perpetrator. Her partner looked unscathed. Still breathing hard, Doggett said, "Everything's under control now. He ditched the briefcase down a ways though." "I'll go get it," Scully said, heading back. She retrieved the case and she and Doggett drove the two perpetrators to the local police station. Just over an hour later they left the station having received clearance to take the disk back to Kersh in D.C. Mission accomplished, they finally arrived back at the motel. "I'll order us up some pizza," Scully stated more than asked. She suddenly had a big craving for it. "Sounds good," he said and they each entered their own adjoining room. Scully flopped down on the bed and grabbed the phone book and phone. She found a place that seemed close to the motel and ordered a large vegetarian, then thinking Doggett might want some meat, changed the order to half vegetarian and half pepperoni. That done, she made herself comfortable on the bed and let her thoughts wander to the kiss Doggett had given her earlier. She knew it was a kiss for the sake of a cover, and she tried not to read anything into it, but she just couldn't get it out of her mind. It was such a powerful kiss, stirring up emotions she didn't even realize she had. She respected Doggett greatly and trusted him completely. In the time they had been partners, he proved himself time and time again. She knew that she could always rely on him, and that was a comforting feeling indeed. He had really been a lifesaver since Mulder had left: coming over with meals, taking William off her hands for a while. He had been stopping by her place more frequently lately and she had found herself eagerly awaiting his visits and missing him when he left. She inhaled deeply and then exhaled, trying to think of something else, but she just couldn't get the kiss out of her head. She thought back to the kiss Mulder had given her the day William was born. That kiss was warm, comfortable, and friendly, but it lacked the passion that she had hoped for for so many years. The ones that followed in the months after were similar. But this kiss, the one she so unexpectedly received tonight, was exciting and intimate. Just the thought of it made her skin prickle with pleasure. Doggett couldn't get the kiss out of his mind either. First off, he couldn't believe he had actually kissed her! He had wanted to do so almost from the first moment they met and wanted to even more after she had drenched him with that cup of water. He loved her fire and strength. And secondly, he couldn't get the intense emotion he felt when his lips touched hers out of his head. The intimacy, the spine-tingling sensation replayed over and over in his memory. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He had to stop thinking about it. She probably hadn't given it a second thought. He decided he definitely needed a cold shower if he was going to share a pizza with her tonight. Several minutes later there was a knock on the door, breaking Scully's reverie. She jumped off the bed, peeked out the side window and opened the door to the pizza deliveryman. "That was fast!" She exclaimed impressed. "That's what we're all about, Ma'am. Speedy, quality service," the pizza man said. "That'll be $16.85." Scully rummaged through her purse and handed him a twenty. "Keep the change," she said. "Thanks, Ma'am. Enjoy," he said and left. The pizza smelled delicious and she couldn't wait to dive in. She walked to the adjoining door and was pleased to find it unlocked. "Pizza's here!" She said swinging the door open. Not getting a response, she took a hesitant step into his room. He was nowhere to be seen. Thinking he must be in the bathroom, she was about to make her way back to her own room when he emerged from the bathroom in nothing but a towel. Scully froze in her tracks and her eyes glued themselves to his incredible physique. The man was sheer perfection! His skin was still wet and the droplets glistened in the light. Entranced, Scully watched one of the droplets travel from the top of his hard, square shoulder, over his well-formed bicep, past his elbow, down his powerful forearm, over his large and strong hand, and down his middle finger, then fall to the carpeted floor with the tiniest of thuds. He made a small movement and her eyes were redirected to his chest, which was like a perfectly chiseled sculpture. The mass of well-defined muscles rippled under her gaze and her heart stopped beating at the effect. Her eyes traveled lower to the rather small white towel he was wearing. A cut thigh peeked out from the open slit of the towel and Scully couldn't stop herself from thinking about the hard-as-steel ass that must be attached to it and about what hung between those muscular thighs. Her face reddened at the thought and it wasn't until Doggett spoke that she was pulled out of her trance-like state. "Agent Scully?" He said addressing her formally, for he was completely embarrassed, not sure of what to make of her exploring gaze. He noticed her cheeks redden, matching his own scarlet blush. Mortified, Scully could barely form any intelligent words. "Ahh...sorry...uh... pizza...it's here," she said lamely. "Great," he said, trying to regain his own composure. Why was she staring at him like that? Was she stirred by seeing his almost naked body? He could only dream! She was probably just embarrassed that she had caught him in a towel; he knew he was! "Ahh, I'll just put on some clothes and I'll join you," he said grabbing a shirt that lay on the bed. That was her cue to back out of his room and into her own, but she would have done almost anything to stay and watch him dress. She shook her head as she entered her own room and scolded herself for acting like a lust-struck teenager looking at a 'N Sync band member. "Get a hold of yourself, Dana. You're acting ridiculously! That's your partner you just ogled!" She reprimanded herself. A few minutes later he joined her feeling somewhat awkward. His body, that had just been practically naked, was now clad in blue jeans and a white T-shirt that hugged his taut muscles rather snuggly. The image of his wet skin and rippling muscles flashed through Scully's brain and she quickly said the first thing that popped into her head to keep the blush that was threatening to return from reddening her cheeks. "Please, sit down," she said uneasily. The rooms lacked a table and chairs so they were forced to sit on the queen-sized bed with the pizza in the middle, a bit uncomfortable considering the scene that had just passed between them. "You must really be missing William," Doggett said between bits, trying to make small talk. "Yeah, I can't wait to get back to him. It is so hard leaving him," she said. "You're a wonderful mother, Dana. I love watching you with him," he said. "Thanks," she smiled and then continued, "I am angry with Kersh for giving me so little time to find a sitter for William. I mean what if my mom hadn't been available? I know it's part of the job, but honestly, William is my first priority now." "As he should be," Doggett agreed. "Kersh is a jerk. They should send that man to sensitivity training or something." They both laughed at that. "I learned early off what kind of man he is," Doggett continued. "Yeah, he really was moving you around like a piece on a chess board. I know I advised you against it at the time, but I'm glad you didn't leave the X-Files like Kersh wanted you to. You are a great partner, John Doggett," she said. "Thanks. You're a great partner too," he said. She smiled, happy to not only have a great partner, but also a great friend. And lately she had been hoping that he would become even more. "This isn't half bad," Doggett said, referring to the pizza. "Yeah, not bad for a tiny town like this," she agreed. "I wonder what else this town has to offer," Doggett said. "Where you thinking of something in particular?" "Yeah, actually I was," he said. "Wanna see if this town has a decent bar to grab a drink in?" Having eaten and rested for a bit (not to mention the stimulating eyeful she got earlier) she had gotten her second wind. "Sure." He stuffed the last bite of pizza into his mouth. "Great, let's go," he said. "Let me just change into something more comfortable. I'll be ready in a couple minutes," she said, getting off the bed. He left the room and she put on a pair of black jeans and an emerald green scoop-necked top. She quickly ran a comb through her hair, added some lipstick, and headed out the door. Doggett was waiting for her and they started walking into the night. "I think I saw a bar not too far from here as we drove by earlier," he said. "You okay walking?" "Yeah. The night air feels great," she said. Amazingly the air felt warmer than it had earlier. About ten minutes later they reached the bar. The place was alive. Doggett held the door open for Scully and she walked in with him right behind her. The smell of smoke and alcohol filled their nostrils and music from a local band filled their ears. Several people gave them a once-over as they entered, liking what they saw. One woman in particular caught Doggett's attention because of the intense look she gave him and the huge approving smile she flashed. Doggett forced a quick but polite smile and looked away. He was not interested in any woman except the one he was with. They found a pair of seats at the bar and ordered drinks, a beer for Doggett and a white wine for Scully. "This place is really hoppin'," Doggett said into Scully's ear. The music was so loud it made conversation a challenge. "Yeah," Scully said, leaning into him. Her nearness and her warm breath on his face made Doggett's heart skip a beat. God, she smelled good! His mind wandered to the kiss he had given her earlier. How much he wanted to place another one on those luscious lips of hers now, but this time a genuine one, one without the pretenses of a cover, one that would convey all his growing feelings for her in a single shared and intimate moment. "Do you know that woman over to the left of me has been staring at you since you walked in?" She said with a smile, interrupting his reverie. He took a quick peek over in that direction. "Nah, she's not staring at me," Doggett said embarrassed. "Oh yes she is. She practically has her tongue hanging out!" Scully laughed. "Well, it seems to me you have a few admirers yourself," Doggett countered and nodded toward the opposite direction where three rather good looking men had their eyes glued on Scully. This time it was Scully's turn to be embarrassed. She took the last few sips of her wine as heat flushed her cheeks. "Do you want another one?" Doggett asked her leaning in, his lips inadvertently touching her ear. That sensation and the sound of his deep, raspy voice sent an electric current through her body. "God, what's with you, Dana? You are suddenly so hypersensitive to this man! Get a grip!" She thought to herself. "Sure," she said surprising herself. The last thing she needed was more alcohol to dizzy her brain even more; she had drunk the first one so quickly. But being here with Doggett like this somehow made her feel freer and alive. She was comfortable in his presence and felt she could be herself without any facades. Doggett ordered another for her and another beer for himself. After the bartender poured them their drinks, he poured out three shots of tequila and pushed them toward Scully. "I didn't order these," Scully said. "They are from those three gentlemen over there," the bartender pointed to the men that were checking out Scully. "Oh," she said and looked in the direction he was pointing. The three men smiled and winked and she gave them a measured smile of thanks in return. They obviously didn't care that she had come in with a man. Doggett had a huge grin on his face. "I told you those guys were giving you the eye," he said chuckling. "So are you gonna go dance with them?" "No, I'm not interested and they're not my type anyway," she said dismissively. "What is your type, Dana? Or should I ask you after you finish those three shots?" Doggett asked. Scully had the urge to blurt out that he was her type, but bit her tongue. Instead she just smiled mysteriously and said, "there is no way I'm going to drink these three shots! You'd have to carry me home if I did." "I could do that," he said playfully. She smiled again. "How about you drink two and I'll drink one," she suggested. "Then you'll have to carry me home," he said grinning. "I can do that," she said. "I bet you could!" He said, grinning even more. The image of her carrying him home was just too delicious. "Then cheers!" She said raising her glass. He grabbed one of the shots, clinked her glass and they both downed the amber liquid. He quickly followed it up with the second. "Bartender!" Doggett called. The man walked over to him. "We'll take one more shot of tequila," he said. The bartender poured the drink and Doggett pushed it over to Scully. "We've got to be even." She looked at him and gave him a lopsided grin, then downed the shot in one gulp. "There, satisfied?" She asked. "For now," he said smiling. She smiled back and they both sat in silence letting the music wash over them like a river smoothing over rocks. Their edges had been rounded off and they sat in peace enjoying each other's company. Doggett looked at his partner sitting just a few inches from him. She looked radiant. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes sparkled. She looked relaxed and a smile highlighted her beautiful face. It occurred to him that this was one of the few times he had ever seen her really enjoying herself, aside from the times she was with William. She gave him an even bigger smile and leaned into him. "What are you thinking?" She asked wondering why he was looking at her so intently. This was the kind of question she usually would never ask, but the alcohol, the loud music and the closeness it brought just let her speak whatever her immediate thought was. He put his hand on her upper arm, stopping her from pulling back from his ear and said in a deep, guttural voice, "That you really are a beautiful woman." He couldn't believe he had just said that! Scully pulled back with her eyes lowered and a shy smile on her face. "Thanks," she mumbled, knowing he probably didn't hear her. She didn't know what else to say; she was not used to such compliments, especially not from a man she was becoming more and more attracted to by the minute, a man that just happened to be her partner. He released her arm and immediately Scully missed its pressure and warmth. She looked up and his eyes caught hers in an intense and intimate gaze. She saw something in them that she couldn't quite name, but it made her feel all warm and alive. They held the gaze for several moments until a woman suddenly appeared at Doggett's side interrupting them. It was the woman who had eyed Doggett as they had first arrived. She wore way too much makeup and her obviously man-made breasts protruded out from her too small top. She grabbed his arm and said loudly, "Let's dance, Honey." Doggett was taken aback by her boldness and total lack of acknowledgement of Scully. "No, thank you," he said as graciously as he could, ever the gentleman. "Oh, come on Handsome! Just one little dance," she persisted. "I won't bite." "I'm with someone," he said, nodding toward Scully who was getting a kick out of the scene. Scully smiled. The woman looked at Scully noticing her for the first time. "Well, you won't mind if I just borrow him for one little dance, would you dear?" Doggett gave Scully a "help me" look. Scully was tempted to say, "Sure, go ahead," but just couldn't bring herself to let Doggett be tortured any longer. "Actually I do mind, dear," she said, emphasizing the word "dear". "This is my man; go find one of your own." For effect she slid off her stool and placed herself between Doggett's bent knees, her back pressed against his chest, all the while keeping her eyes firmly on the annoying woman. Immediately, Doggett wrapped his strong arms around her tiny body and held her tightly against him. She caressed his forearms with her hands and he laid his cheek against her hair. The woman turned on her heel in a huff and walked away. Doggett and Scully burst out laughing. "Thanks," Doggett said into her ear after their laughter had faded. Neither of them moved from their position, each enjoying the smoldering heat it brought. Again Doggett spoke, his voice incredibly low in her ear. "Would you like to dance?" He asked, brushing her ear with his lips, the caress almost feeling like a kiss. She turned around in his embrace and blue met blue. "I would love to," she heard herself saying, mere inches from his face. Their lips were so close and she was tempted to bridge the gap and touch her lips to his. The heat radiating from him was making her weak in the knees and she couldn't help thinking of the image of his buff chest glistening with water just a few hours ago. That same chest was now pressed against hers and her heartbeat sped up a few notches. She was reluctant to step out of his embrace and she closed her eyes, her head dizzy with alcohol and lust. Her intimate proximity was getting to Doggett as well, and if he didn't redirect his attention immediately he wouldn't be able to get up from the stool without everyone seeing just how much this closeness to Scully was affecting him. He grabbed her hand and led her to the crowded dance floor. The music cranked out of the speakers and they danced to the lively beat. He couldn't keep his eyes off her and observed her every move. He watched her legs stomp out the rhythm, her hips gyrate in time, and her chest rise and fall with every breath. The warmth from the alcohol in the pit of her stomach let her dance without inhibition, and her beauty and movement entranced him. He had an overwhelming urge to feel her movement, so he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed her against him. She did not resist and instead draped her arms around his neck and kept on moving with the beat of the music. Doggett's senses were on overload having her move like that against him and his manhood responded instantly. Pure heaven on earth was the only way to describe the feelings her gyrations brought him. Scully felt like she was swimming in a sea of lust. Feeling him hard against her body heightened all of her senses. The musky, salty smell of him intoxicated her and his firm, rippling muscles crushed against her were driving her insane with need. She had to remove herself from his touch, just for a moment, so she could gather her bearings. So she took his hand from her waist and held on to it as she twirled circles under it. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, the annoying woman appeared again and pushed herself between Doggett and Scully. She grabbed his arms and led him away from Scully in a whirling dance. Doggett barely knew what hit him and was rendered speechless. The only things he could think of saying at the moment were considerably rude, but being a gentleman, he bit his tongue. A couple minutes passed and having had enough, he was about to just tell her to get lost, when Scully grabbed his hand and together they ran out of the bar laughing hysterically. After several minutes their laughter tapered off and Scully said, "You should have seen your face when that woman grabbed you and swooped you into a dance! You were mortified! I'll never forget that expression on your face!" They laughed again, doubled over in amusement. "That bad?" He asked, through fits of laughter. "Oh yeah, that bad! Definitely a Kodak moment!" She said erupting into another round of laughter. Suddenly the clouds ripped open and fat rain droplets fell from above. They looked at each other in amused surprise and laughed some more. Doggett glanced back at the bar, making a non-verbal suggestion to go back inside. Scully shook her head from side to side then smiled mischievously. On impulse she grabbed his hand and pulled him into a run. Doggett gladly followed her, happy to be alone with her again. They ran through the rain hand in hand, giggling like a couple of school kids on spring break. The rain was warm and cleansing, making the pair feel young and so very alive. They arrived at the motel out of breath and completely soaked but their souls felt free and invigorated. They stopped and faced each other, catching their breaths. Scully studied a sopping-wet Doggett and was reminded once again of the view she had the fortune of seeing earlier that evening. Now his clothes adhered to his body, leaving little to the imagination. His powerful thighs were well defined in his jeans, as was the noticeably large bulge between them. The rain ran down his face and she yearned to lick it off, drinking anything that touched him. God, she wanted him! Doggett watched Scully keenly too. He watched the rain run down the length of her hair, down her face, down her heaving chest and into her low-cut shirt. Her clothes clung to her, accentuating her petite and curvy figure and outlining her breasts and hardened nipples. The sight of her like this was irresistible to Doggett and without inhibition he repeated what he had said to her earlier: "You are so beautiful." She looked him straight in the eyes and held his gaze. She saw something feral and primal in them and her heart raced at the recognition of the meaning. The intensity in his blue eyes was greater than usual and the intimacy at which he looked at her made her body hum with excitement. Suddenly Doggett's hand was on her cheek and in one swift and fluid movement he pulled her to him and covered her mouth with his. His tongue demanded entry and she yielded to him without hesitation. The kiss was explosive and burned with the intensity of white-hot flames. The tremendous passion and the bare-bones need and fierceness of the kiss were earth- shattering. Never had a single kiss made her feel so completely overwhelmed with want and need. Doggett's entire being felt aflame with desire. Her unrestrained response, her total vulnerability and eagerness to the kiss, drove him wild. It felt so right and he hardened against her, unafraid to let her feel it. And feel it she did. Unconsciously she ground herself against it and a small moan escaped her. Breathless, he released her and their eyes continued the unspoken dialogue of all they felt but what was just too soon to say out loud. He saw the same emotions, heat, and lust in her eyes that he knew she must be seeing in his. His heart smiled and his lips followed. "Let's get out of the rain," he breathed into her ear. She nodded and he hoisted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to her door resting her back against it and she placed the room key in his hand. He kissed her fiercely as he shoved the key into the lock and opened the door. They stumbled in giggling and threw the door shut behind them. The moonlight that shined through the windows illuminated the room, giving it a surreal feel. Scully didn't bother with the lights and instead concentrated on removing Doggett's soaking T-shirt. Her craving to run her hands across his bare chest was overpowering. With his help she tore the shirt off over his head and let it fall to the floor in a wet heap. Instantly her hands glided along his physique, feeling every muscle, every curve, every cut angle. Her desire mounted a thousand-fold and she ran her hot tongue down his chest, searing a path to his nipple. She circled it with her tongue then gently bit its tip, eliciting a low moan from Doggett. She did the same to the other nipple, feeding off of his scent and lapping up the salty wetness that glistened on his skin. Her ministrations were driving Doggett crazy with desire. He had and urgent need to feel her skin against him and he ripped at her shirt, tearing it off in one quick movement. It joined his in a wet pile on the floor. To his amazement and sheer delight, Scully removed her bra in a flash and pressed herself against him, obviously having the same skin-to-skin need as he. They moaned in concert at the sensation, knees buckling in heightened desire. He gently pushed her to the bed then hovered over her with his body, studying her perfect breasts in the moonlight. "You are a goddess," he breathed and used the waist of her jeans to pull her closer to him. It was an incredibly feral and possessive move, one that aroused her even more. He covered her body with his and ground his face into her neck, licking and sucking and biting, while his massive hands massaged her breasts with finesse. The pleasure was exquisite. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. They were fully dilated and he could clearly see her every emotion reflected in them. He knew that if they continued any further there would be no stopping. "John," she whispered hesitantly. He placed his fingers on her lips. "Shh... I know. I agree," he said knowing she was thinking the same thing. He wanted her more than anything right now, but he had too much respect for her to let their first lovemaking be something impulsive that might be regretted later. "We better say goodnight," she said reluctantly, her voice raspy with desire. Her words went directly against what her body was screaming to do, but she wanted this to be the beginning of something lasting, not a transitory one-night tumble in the sheets, and she knew he wanted the same and was willing to wait. He looked at her with dilated eyes, forcing his body to comply with her sensible words. "Yeah, we better say goodnight." He got up off the bed and immediately she missed his heat. Her body ached for her to pull him back, but her mind told her it would be better to wait. She got up as well and threw on a dry shirt that was laying on the bed's edge. Doggett had just picked up his wet shirt and was heading for the adjoining door. He turned around to face her. "We should leave here at 8:00 tomorrow to catch the flight," he said looking directly into her eyes. "Yeah, I'll be ready," she said, not wanting him to walk through that door and out of her presence. She gazed at his lips, the lips that just moments ago had devoured hers in kisses that had left all previous kisses before today in the dust. She wanted desperately to feel them on her lips again. "Goodnight," she whispered. "Dana..." he said in a deep, gravelly voice. The sound of her name from his lips made her lose all restraint and she took two giant steps and fell into his arms, pulling him down into another fiery, all-consuming kiss. He pressed her hard against his body and for a moment they were completely one. Then she tore herself from his embrace and he walked into his room shutting the door behind him. Closing his eyes, Doggett leaned against the closed door. He could still feel the heat from her kiss and the taste of her tongue on his. He was completely, head-over-heels in love with her. A total goner. Scully threw herself on the bed and stripped off her soaked jeans and underwear. Her heartbeat slowed down to a normal pace and her head spinned partially from the alcohol, but mainly from the passion that she had just shared with Doggett. My God, she was falling in love with him and she was quite sure that he felt the same way. The rain continued to fall through the moonlit night, pitter- patter against the roof, washing away the old and making room for the new. Scully awoke to a brand new day, with the sun streaming through the windows. She stretched and a big smile covered her face as she thought about what had transpired the night before. She couldn't remember ever waking up this incredibly happy before! Doggett's handsome face flashed before her mind and she suddenly had a great yearning to see him. She jumped out of bed and into the shower. The sooner she was ready the sooner she would see him, and right now all she could think of was the sooner the better. Doggett woke up to a profound sense of happiness as well and had to think for a moment to make sure what happened last night wasn't just some very real-feeling dream. It was almost too good to be reality. Quickly he showered and got dressed. He couldn't wait to see Scully. At about 7:45 Doggett knocked on Scully's adjoining room door. She opened it almost right away. His heart beat wildly as a sudden nervousness crept into him. He prayed she didn't have any regrets. He sure didn't. She looked stunning in a black Armani pantsuit. With perfectly coiffed hair and toned down makeup, she looked all business. But one look into her eyes told him that she did not regret what had transpired between them last night. In fact he saw the same emotions in them right now that he had seen last night. "Good morning, Dana," he said smiling. She flashed him a huge smile, "Good morning, John." It was as if Scully was a magnet for he was completely drawn to her and before he realized it, he was standing just inches from her. His desire, his need to kiss her again, hold her body against his, was suddenly overwhelming and he was just about to lean down to feed that desire when his cell phone rang. Disappointed, Doggett answered it, all the while keeping his eyes fixed on Scully. Her disappointment was clear as well. "Doggett," he said into the phone. Scully could make out the voice on the other end as Kersh's. "Yes Sir. We should be there by noon," he said and hung up. "Kersh is anxious for that disk. We better get a move on," he said to her. "Let me get your bag." Minutes later they drove off to the airport in comfortable yet charged silence. An hour later they were seated on the plane, heading back to Washington D.C. They mostly talked small talk, skirting the issue of last night. It was just too new, too fragile to discuss. But they both privately cherished the images of their encounter. Halfway through the flight, Doggett took her hand in his. She squeezed it and laid her head on his shoulder. Those tiny, intimate gestures were all they needed to know what the other was thinking. As promised, they were in Kersh's office at noon to deliver the disk. He was very pleased with their work and surprisingly gave them both the rest of the day off. Glad to be done with their part in this case, Doggett drove Scully back to her place and carried her bag up to her apartment door. "William sure is gonna be happy to see his mommy again," he said as he set the bag down on the floor. "Not happier than I am. I've missed him so much," she said, hoping that her comment hadn't made it seem like she wanted him to leave, for that was the furthest thing from her mind. "Then I won't keep you," he said, a slight hint of disappointment in his voice. "There is one thing I have been wanting to do all day though," he continued. "What's that?" Scully asked with interest. He walked towards her, stopping mere inches from her. "This," he breathed and lowered his lips to hers in a tender, emotion-baring kiss. She responded readily pouring her feelings into it as well. They parted and he turned to walk away. Scully had just stuck the keys in the door when he turned around and said, "Dana, will you go out with me tomorrow night?" Bliss raced through Scully's body and she threw him a big smile. "I would love to," she said. "Great," he said sending her an even bigger smile back. "'Till tomorrow," he said smiling and walked away. "'Till tomorrow," she repeated as he disappeared into the elevator. She leaned back against her door, happier than she had ever been, knowing that this was just the beginning of many happy tomorrows. THE END